Get Out from Under Your Busines

Book Focusing on Proactive, Practical Ways to Run a Business

Yup, I, too, Wrote a Book

I have been volunteering as a small business mentor since 2004.  I originally started because I had just transformed my own business from being a 90-hour-a-week, soul-sucking, nightmare hell-ride, into an operation that largely ran by itself, that could actually run with or without me.  You know, an actual business.

I figured, it would be a shame to let the hard-won wisdom that I had aquired go to waste by just languishing in my own head.  Working with current, or future, small business owners, I try to mix a cocktail of advice, understanding, pragmatism, and support.

Over the years, I found myself saying many of the same things over and over again.  I also found that some of the things I was saying even seemed to be somewhat universally valuable.  My next step was turning what I was routinely talking about with clients into a six-week class, which I held for small business owners.  From there, I distilled the lessons down further and created a short, succinct manual on all of the ways I knew to help people’s businesses actually run the way they wanted them to.

In addition to writing the book and publishing the kindle version, I also created a simple website where people could either buy a pdf, or read any individual chapter for free.  It was important to me to just get the information out there, and it is all available, for free.

One of these days I will do a second edition, and probably an audiobook and paperback version, but it will need to wait for a state of more time wealth than I have experienced in the past few years.  This topic is really important to me and I want to be able to have the time to treat it with the respect, clarity, and completeness that it deserves.