by john.coleman | Apr 6, 2011 | Employees, Hiring
Some of the most common questions that I get from small business owners I work with have to do with hiring, especially hiring the first employee. From personal experience, I would have to say that this area is one of the more challenging and confusing for owners of...
by john.coleman | Apr 5, 2011 | News
Get Out From Under Your Business will be officially publishing on the Kindle Tuesday 4/12/11! Other platforms coming soon include: iPad/iPhone Barnes & Noble Nook Android Blackberry (for the upcoming Playbook) webOS
by john.coleman | Apr 2, 2011 | Burnout, Entrepreneurship, Stress
Most of the people I know who are unusually successful in their field have a unique trait in common. They love the work they are doing. To them, collecting a big paycheck (or nearly any paycheck at all, for that matter), is simply icing on the cake. Every day is like...
by john.coleman | Mar 29, 2011 | Employees, Hiring
As almost any business owner and they will tell you hiring is a thorny subject. After all, with so much at stake with a hiring decision, it is understandable that this process would create angst and confusion. Depending on your industry, it can take anywhere from 3-12...
by john.coleman | Mar 22, 2011 | Burnout, Entrepreneurship, Stress
Making the decision to do something different with your life, to make a wholesale change in career can be one of the biggest decisions someone makes (often more than once) on their lifetime. Often, the first question that springs to mind is “What do I really want to...
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