Preparing to Hire Your First Employee

Some of the most common questions that I get from small business owners I work with have to do with hiring, especially hiring the first employee. From personal experience, I would have to say that this area is one of the more challenging and confusing for owners of...

Book publishing on Kindle 4/12/11!

Get Out From Under Your Business will be officially publishing on the Kindle Tuesday 4/12/11! Other platforms coming soon include: iPad/iPhone Barnes & Noble Nook Android Blackberry (for the upcoming Playbook) webOS

Hiring by Design (Rather than by Default)

As almost any business owner and they will tell you hiring is a thorny subject. After all, with so much at stake with a hiring decision, it is understandable that this process would create angst and confusion. Depending on your industry, it can take anywhere from 3-12...